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Where are you?

How did you get here? Where do you want to go?

Therapy is an endeavor unlike any other you've known. It begins a journey of gaining precious insight illuminated by understanding how you became you. So much of your energy spent mastering your external world, therapy is an opportunity to focus internally. We will work together to understand how all the dings and dents you endured along the way manifest as suffering and as barriers to more fully experiencing the world, relationships, and yourself.

Think of therapy like working at a puzzle that has you stumped. You feel frustrated, bored, and helpless. You need help moving forward. We will start by being curious about what you already know: what the pieces look like, their shape, connected pieces, and where borders lie. Together we'll explore the life experiences that shaped your beliefs, doubts, strengths, and weaknesses.

This is where you are.

Working together, we will discover new things about you: pieces yet to be turned over, some you’ve assumed were settled in nicely but were actually not quite right, some that were lost under the rug, and new details previously unnoticed on familiar pieces. Which have you been trying to make fit for so long? Are some damaged or missing? Learning about these pieces represents ways of understanding your life from new perspectives and how self-defeating patterns maintain dissatisfaction.

This is how you got here.

Along the way, pieces begin falling into place and we'll celebrate bringing your puzzle into focus. Some might seem like they belong to a different puzzle and there is relief in letting these pieces go. For others, there is grief in realizing how they stifled you or gobbled your time. Aided with insight into the barriers that kept you down, you will make newly informed inspired choices.

This is where you want to go.

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